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April 2023

We attended the ARVO Conference in New Orleans, LA. Mike was awarded the Members-In-Training Outstanding Poster Award for the Retinal Cell Biology Scientific Section! His work on this project uses in vivo real-time imaging to uncover glial interactions and dynamics during dying cell clearance in the developing retina. Very proud!

March 2023's been a while since we've updated our news/website! We have several new lab members! Nick joined us as Master's student this January, Laurel joined us as a research specialist, and we have a couple new undergrads in the lab. 

February 2023

Dr. Mitchell presented and helped run a session on the regulation of Muller glia responses in the damaged retina at ISER in Gold Coast, Australia!

May 2022

Our paper describing compensatory phagocytic behavior of Muller glia in microglia-deficient retinas is now published in Glia! Congrats to Whitney, who was first author on this work and really drove it home. Whitney also presented these results at the ARVO 2022 conference in Denver. 

Congrats to all of our undergraduate researchers (Ailis, Jenai, Jordan, and Anna) that graduated this semester!

January 2022

Happy New year! We are excited about the directions our research is taking us this year.

Our paper describing effects of RXR modulation on microglial apolipoprotein expression has been accepted for publication in BiologyOpen. The advanced online paper is available here:

Congrats to Emma for publishing her MS thesis work and to Whitney who were co-first authors on this paper!

October 2021

Ailis is awarded an undergraduate student research fellowship from the University of Idaho Department of Biological Sciences! Congrats, Ailis!

Jordan H was awarded an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster award for his poster presentation at the University of Idaho College of Science Research Expo. Nice work, Jordan!

August 2021

Dr. Mitchell gives a presentation for the EYES20/21 meeting.


We are looking forward to welcoming PhD graduate student, Michael, who will join us this month!

We are also excited for returning undergraduate researchers and new undergraduate students that will join us this year!

Summer 2021

We have had a fun and productive summer! We attended the Idaho INBRE conference here in Moscow, ID.

Dr. Mitchell gave a presentation titled "Deciphering phagocytic roles of glial cells in the vertebrate retina using the zebrafish model"

Anna won 2nd place in the Faculty Choice category for her poster!! Congrats, Anna!!

May 2021

Dr. Mitchell received the College of Science Early Career Faculty Award for 2020-2021.

January 2021

Anna is awarded a summer research fellowship through the Idaho INBRE program for Summer 2021. Congrats!!

December 2020

Check out our new paper in BMC Genomics:

October 2020

Graduate applications are being accepted at the University of Idaho, with a priority deadline in mid-December. Please contact Dr. Mitchell and apply if you are interested! We have funding to fully support 2 graduate students!


August 2020

Dr. Mitchell was awarded a research grant from NIH. We are so excited to see where this will take us! Come join our team!

July 2020

Emma defended her thesis and was awarded her MS degree! Congrats, Emma! We will miss you and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

June 2020

We are recruiting!!! We are looking for motivated and enthusiastic graduate students to join our group, as well as a Research Technician. Potential Postdocs are also encouraged to contact Dr. Mitchell to discuss potential opportunity with our group! 

May 2020

Anna was awarded a Summer Research Fellowship from the University of Idaho Office of Undergraduate Research! 

March 2020

Our most recent manuscript has been accepted for publication by Developmental Dynamics! Congrats to Zach, Jared, and Anna for their excellent work on this paper! It can be found online here:

January 2020

We have two new undergraduate student members! Ailis was selected for a Spring 2020 INBRE

STEM Trainee Fellowship, and Dawson joins our group, too!

October 2019

Undergraduate student Anna joins our group!

September 2019

The Idaho INBRE program is accepting student applications for Summer 2020 Fellows. If you are an undergraduate student interested in working on a research project with our lab for 10 weeks, please contact Dr. Mitchell, follow this link, and apply here:

July 2019

Dr. Mitchell presents a talk at the Statewide Idaho INBRE Conference in Moscow, ID:

"Leveraging the zebrafish to uncover macrophage functions in the vertebrate retina."

A manuscript from collaborative work with the Stenkamp lab is published in PNAS!

June 2019

A manuscript from collaborative work with the Stenkamp lab on regeneration of bipolar cells in the zebrafish retina is published in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology!

May 2019

Dr. Mitchell is awarded a Developmental Research Project grant from Idaho INBRE!

Learn about the Idaho INBRE program here:

Zach and Lindsey join our team as Research Technicians.

April 2019

Emma passes her pre-thesis proposal examination!

April 2019

Dr. Mitchell attends the ARVO research conference in Vancouver, and presents a poster detailing

in vivo dynamics of apoptotic cell clearance by primitive microglia in the developing retina.

March 2019

Our paper revealing the transcriptome of microglia and macrophages during retinal regeneration in zebrafish is published in Scientific Reports!

April 2018

Our paper describing microglia and macrophage characteristics during retinal degeneration and regeneration in zebrafish is published in Journal of Neuroinflammation!

Contact Us:

Diana Mitchell, PhD

Department of Biological Sciences

College of Science

University of Idaho

© 2019 by Diana Mitchell. Proudly created with

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